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Keep up with the latest company updates, opinion pieces, and news from the world of business energy.

A field of solar panels with an orange sunset behind.

Lessons from my first involvement in a corporate PPA

When setting out to finalise a corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), the journey is filled with challenges, many of which only reveal themselves along the way. My first PPA deal was nothing short of an adventure, teaching me valuable lessons about balancing complexity and clarity while keeping the client’s needs at the forefront. Understanding and […]

Alex Bannon office photo at Amber HQ

Meet Alex Bannon, our Senior Energy Trading and Risk Manager

A view of tree with sunshine but in the middle of a glass building.

A guide to EcoVadis: Improving business sustainability credentials

This is an image of wind turbines in front of a flowing sun.

The evolving landscape of corporate PPAs

A christmas tree with gold decorations.

Real vs fake Christmas trees: Which is better for the environment?

Amber GN wales image.

Amber brings energy to sporting partnerships

Solar energy image

Net Zero Tech Innovations: Solar Thermal

We spoke to Wil Hocking, our Net Zero Consultant, about the newest innovations in Net Zero Tech. Solar Thermal allows solar panels to act more efficiently whilst heating water for usage within a building and is an innovative solution to a problem associated with standard solar panel technology.

Contact us to see how our experience and expertise could benefit your businesses’ energy strategy and support your Net Zero journey.