Fixed Energy Procurement

Fixed Energy Procurement is perfect for businesses who require budget certainty and protection from periods of market volatility. From day one of your fixed energy procurement plan, you’ll know exactly what your rates will be.

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What is Fixed Energy Procurement?

 Our Procurement, Risk and Supply Director explains Fixed Energy Procurement in this short video.

What are the pros of fixed purchasing?

Budget certainty

Fix multiple years in advance to know what your rate will be

Simplified energy

No energy trading required and straightforward billing

Market security

In a rising market, experienced by many businesses and domestic users in 2022, your rates are protected

What are the cons of fixed purchasing?

Timing is everything

If prices are secured when the market is high, you are locked in at those rates

Premium of certainty

Suppliers charge a premium for fixing both the commodity and non-commodity elements

Volume tolerance

Fixed contracts are generally more restrictive around how much energy you can use

Increases in certain charges

Fixed energy contracts are exposed to increases in certain charges

How it works

An expert from our procurement team will work with you to assess the market well in advance of your current contract expiring.

The customer works with Amber to establish procurement objectives. Amber completes the tender process, and the customer receives a clear summary with recommendations evaluating the utility suppliers in the marketplace.

Amber will manage the supply contracts including any customer queries from inception to maturity.

Amber will check the contract has gone live when transferring from one supplier to another.

Amber will send the customer market updates each month.

Why Amber?

Amber will support you to secure contracts at the optimal point in time. By tendering to a wide range of energy suppliers, we will ensure you achieve the best available product and contract rates.

Our credentials

Across our Trading and Procurement teams, we have over 60 years of experience in Procurement and Trading, and have more than £2.5bn worth of energy spend under management.

Two Amber colleagues.

If you’re considering fixed energy procurement for your business, get in touch and our team can help support you in achieving the best rates.