Power Purchase Agreement

We work with businesses to provide them with truly renewable sources for their energy via exclusive access to corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). With PPAs, your company can benefit from steady and predictable costs while reducing your reliance on the grid and your carbon output.

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Windmills on a hill

What is a PPA?

A Power Purchase Agreement is typically a contractual agreement between an energy generator and a consumer, but they can also involve an energy supplier.

They come together and agree to buy and sell an amount of energy which is, or will be, generated by a renewable asset. Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering a PPA agreement for your business.

The benefits of a PPA

Renewable-backed corporate PPAs are an incredibly important tool in fast-tracking our transition towards a Net Zero economy and have multiple benefits.

Long-term price security and hedging opportunities beyond the liquid wholesale market.

Reduction of risks associated with electricity sales and purchases.

Specific physical supply of electricity with certain regional characteristics.

Control of guarantees of origin, supporting brands to be more sustainable and greener.

Can be signed at fixed prices or can allow for greater participation in market risks.

Other PPA services

As the cost of renewable energies and related technologies continues to decrease, solar PPAs can stabilise cash flows for renewable energy projects. Want to discover what solar opportunities are available for your business?

Learn more

Want to learn more?

Download your free copy of our PPA energy guide here.

Renewable-backed corporate PPAs are an incredibly important tool in fast-tracking our transition towards a Net Zero economy. To support businesses understanding, we’ve created a guide so they can find out more about them.

Download here
An image of the PPA guide.

Businesses are having to navigate a really challenging period as they try to balance short-term performance with long-term financial and environmental sustainability. At Amber, we want to partner with companies to help them reduce energy consumption, make low-carbon choices in their energy procurement (through mechanisms like PPAs) and empower their teams to find opportunities for lower-carbon business practices.

Andrew Walker, Net Zero Director

Our latest insights

Understanding Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)


Harnessing renewable energy with PPAs: Solar, wind and hydropower

How Net Zero consultancy and energy management go hand in hand

Are you interested in Power Purchase Agreements and looking to find out more?