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Solar panels with trees image.

What are the different types of PPA agreements?

There are several types of Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), each catering to different needs and scenarios. This blog introduces the various types of PPAs and what function they serve for those businesses seeking a more sustainable approach to energy procurement. What is a PPA? A PPA is typically a long-term contract between an energy producer […]

An image of solar panels.

Understanding Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

In today’s rapidly evolving world, navigating energy contracts can be confusing. In this blog, we outline all the basic components of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), including what they are and why they are increasing in popularity.  What is a PPA? A PPA is typically a long-term contract for the supply of renewable energy between […]


Non-commodity charges explained

The purpose of non-commodity charges is to cover the additional costs associated with energy consumption. Non-commodity charges sit alongside taxes and levies that contribute to the overall operational costs of the network. Navigating the purpose and dynamics of each non-commodity charge can be difficult, so we have put together this explainer guide which runs through […]

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